2020 December 9-11 Lithuania , Siauliai Didzdvario Gymnasium, Siauliai, LT

The meeting that was planned on 2020 April 19-25 was canceled (due to COVID-19) and was transformed to the virtual meeting on 2020 December 9-11 via Microsoft Teams platform.
In order to control the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), the Government of Lithuania decided to confine all the Lithuanian students at home from 30th of March 2020.
The Lithuanian borders had been closed for students to travel abroad during this period. Moreover, Lithuania has decreed restrictions on access to the country to major force to the inhabitants from Spain, Czech Republic, Germany and canceled flights.
Due to these facts, students and teachers of Teplice, Czech Republic; La Salle-Buen Consejo Puerto Real, Spain and SZ Geschwister Scholl, Bremerhaven, Germany was not allowed to travel abroad in the period planned for the Lithuanian meeting.